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Hidden Dangers of Bottled Water Entering Your Home and Your Body

Laboratory testing found all sorts of really bad stuff in bottled water. We were very surprised to see that a lot of popular brands that you and I drink every day were on the list that were tested.

They found disinfection byproducts, industrial chemicals, and prescription drugs. You would think that the government would regulate the industry better.

The fact is that our local utilities are requires to report test results to the public, but the bottle water companies are not, so you never know what you are drinking.

So you would think that it bad enough that the water maybe contaminated?

pet recycle 1 logo for water bottles

An investigation found that the PET plastic that is

used to make water bottles, the ones with a mark “1” on the bottom can contain dozens of chemicals and impurities. With more than 80 additional contaminants that could be leaching into your bottled water.

We suggest buying a stainless steel bottle and fill it with filtered water to protect yourself and your family.

You also can buy a whole house water treatment system, so you know you always have clean water throughout your home.

On our website you will see many different type of clean water products. Or you can give us a call and we can do a free water test and make recommendations for you.

We have everything from water filters, water softeners, neutralizers and Ultraviolet lights for well water.

The EPA says that less than 32 percent of the PET plastic bottles were recycled in 2014, that means 68 percent was dumped into landfills and pollute our water systems, it’s harmful to our wildlife.

pacific garbage patch size of texas pollution ocean

The marine conservation organization Oceana estimates that up to 20 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans each year with some collecting into huge free floating lands like the Pacific Garbage Patch which is estimated to be as big as the size of the state of Texas.

Get Started by Finding Out What’s in Your Water:
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